
Showing posts from September, 2021

Another Level

We are in the book of Daniel in Sunday School this week, and even after reading twice, taking notes, and preparing by reading the historical context and commentary, I was still caught off guard by another realization, right in the middle of class. This isn't an epiphany for me, but it hit different (as my son would say) today.  There is so much going on around us that we can't see or sense. Long ago, I completed a Bible study by Jennifer Kennedy Dean about prayer life . One illustration I remember so well was her explanation of the spectrum of things we can't comprehend. Light, for example. Of all the types of light, humans can only detect a fraction. Same with sound. Our bodies are incredible things, but humans truly are limited in what they can detect with the five senses. Things we can't sense that animals can, for example, still aren't even part of the spiritual realm. At least, we think so. My dog hasn't ever stopped and been like, "woof - angel at 2 o...