Another Level

We are in the book of Daniel in Sunday School this week, and even after reading twice, taking notes, and preparing by reading the historical context and commentary, I was still caught off guard by another realization, right in the middle of class. This isn't an epiphany for me, but it hit different (as my son would say) today. 

There is so much going on around us that we can't see or sense.

Long ago, I completed a Bible study by Jennifer Kennedy Dean about prayer life. One illustration I remember so well was her explanation of the spectrum of things we can't comprehend. Light, for example. Of all the types of light, humans can only detect a fraction. Same with sound. Our bodies are incredible things, but humans truly are limited in what they can detect with the five senses. Things we can't sense that animals can, for example, still aren't even part of the spiritual realm. At least, we think so. My dog hasn't ever stopped and been like, "woof - angel at 2 o'clock." It's easy to pretend that all we see is all there is, but that just isn't true. Maybe I read too many Frank Peretti books as a pre-teen, but this reminder is always sobering for me. 

Our prayer life has a direct link to God and impacts the spiritual realm. 

Daniel was an incredible guy, and if I could only give him one kudo, I would pick his faithfulness to prayer. That man understood the power of a praying life. He was so committed to intercessory prayer and a life of petition that it's hard for me to comprehend. And, if he ever needed a reminder, God confirmed it for him again and again. God shut the mouths of lions (Daniel 6:22). God brought kings to their knees (Daniel 4:34, 6:25). God gave him interpretations (Daniel 2:28, 4:24, 5:17) and visions (Daniel 2:19, 7:1, 8:1, 10:1). The dude had an angel tell him, face to face, that his prayers had started work in the heavenly realm (Daniel 9:23, 10:12). I can't even fathom one of those things happening in my life, let alone all of them. 

Don't I (don't we) want to be a part of this?

We are no less than Daniel. In fact, we have the Holy Spirit living inside of us, ready and waiting to unleash phenomenal things for the glory of God. We just need to be faithful. I just need to be faithful. I need to take my prayer life seriously. I'm not a captive. I'm not under persecution. I've got a pretty cushy life. No excuses, just too many creature comforts. The class I led today was definitely for me too. I want to be a part of this. I want to level up.


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