Bubbling Up
There's something percolating in my heart. A dark, thick brew taking it's time to drip through all the filters.
There's fermentation happening. I can feel the bubbles starting as the yeast in my brain starts working its way through aha moments, the epiphanies as delicious as sugar syrup.
It's been too many years since I wrote anything, outside of typing up Bible study notes or prep for a class. Recent events keep pulling me back, making me yearn to get it down, tap it out, share it with someone.
I'm a bottler by nature, and I'm sure I've blogged about those moments before.
You know.
The ones where I'd held it all in and then it came spewing out. All over the kitchen and the living room, catching my husband off-guard and leaving me sobbing and spent, sheepishly explaining that it had nothing to do with the overflowing sock basket or the unrinsed coffee cups.
This isn't the kind of stuff that should be bottled or hidden in the back of the closet with the skeletons and baby blankets.
There are things that need brought into the light.
As I spend time processing and preparing, trying to make sure this doesn't spew out and hit the ceiling, tell me - are you here for it? Can we have some conversations about hard things? Hurts caused by those we should trust? Wounds we inflame by unintentionally applying false teachings? Scars we keep covered because someone hurt us and we were told we deserved it?
We have to start looking deeper. Past what we think we understand about God and the Church. We need to have conversations about context and corruption.
I was two days into setting up a whole separate blog - thinking I needed a fresh start, but I think I'm good right here. God's got me on a different tightrope right now, and I need to trust Him as we cross over the unknown.
Thank you for letting me be cryptic and hopefully joining me on this ride.
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