Fear, Faith and a Fistful of Chocolate

When I saw this title come across in my Litfuse emails, I didn't even hesitate in applying to review.

Chocolate is my weakness.  But that wasn't all.  I've personally dealt with issues of fear and finding ways to renew and strengthen my faith in order to overcome it.  Fistfuls of chocolate are a different story...

What a great book!  If I had the time, I would have read it all in one sitting.  Of course, I don't recommend blazing through this book without taking the time to really stop and ponder the questions at the end of each chapter because they are well written and thought provoking.  Although this is a great read-alone kind of book, I think it would also be a perfect book for a women's group or Bible study to work through together.  

Debora begins by identifying the main categories of fear.  She then sets the book up to spend a whole chapter on a specific type of fear and the ways we can grow our faith and seek God for help to overcome it.  She has such great stories and a sense of humor that even the most difficult and scary kinds of fear are covered without causing too much anxiety.  

Not only did the stories Debora shared speak to me on multiple levels, this book came at another time in my life when I was struggling with a new fear and a hard decision.  The encouragement and reassurance that I found as I read chapter after chapter gave me the confidence and peace I needed to step out in faith and trust that God has had my back all along.  It's usually a lot easier to hide from our fears than it is to face them.  But, as Christians, we have to remember that we have nothing to fear!  The battle has been won, and God is on our side.  

I would recommend this book for women at any age or stage of life.  Debora has been blessed with the gift of being able to connect with women through humor and honesty on the deepest and most difficult issues.  

Click over to her website and see for yourself!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the Litfuse book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Nicole!
    That sounds like a great book. Do you think it would be a good one for a bible study? I'm trying to get one going here and have been looking into Beth Moore (love her) but sometimes a book book is as good as a study. What do you think?
    Also, I've been nominated for a blogging award, and the beauty of it is that you share the love with other bloggers. I'd love to nominate you! If you want to join in, check out my site and answer some questions about you for your readers, then share the love!
    Here's the link: http://nomaybebaby.blogspot.com
    I hope to see you!
    p.s.: sorry about the deleted comment, I put in the wrong link :)

    1. Wow! Marcy! I totally missed this. I am so sorry! I think that this book would be a great study book. I love Beth Moore too, but I also really liked Debora. Thank you for the nomination too! I am heading over to your site now. Better late than never. :P


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