Chocolate Chips and Wine in a Finisher's Glass

I have to confess.  Tonight I should be frantically cleaning, getting ready for tomorrow's shopping trip by emptying out the leftovers in the fridge, and drinking tea and water and Airborne to help my body recover from this ugly bug I have been fighting.

Instead I am on the computer, eating chocolate chips out of the bag and drinking the rest of the white wine in the fridge out of my 2012 Tacoma Narrows Finishers glass.  I am pathetic.

The upside to this is that I have cleaned one bottle out of the fridge, and I am being completely honest with all the elves4health that may read this.

So far, I am a sad excuse for a healthy elf.  In my defense (and it is SO weak), I have been a single mom for a week and a half, and I have spent part of that time sick.  I've had to load firewood in the boiler, muck out our chicken coop, and fix holes that our pup digs.  All in the cold, dark, rainy weather.  All things my husband usually did before he abandoned me to chase tail in another state (whitetail, that is).

I give mad props to all the single parents out there, by the way!  You are truly amazing.

It's not all chocolate and alcohol around here though.  After work,  I did get an awesome run in with a friend.  We had barely enough time to squeeze in two miles, sets of stairs, and some speed work, but it was worth leaving the kids at daycare for an extra half an hour.

Tomorrow we are going shopping, and I am going to buy all kinds of fruits and veggies and supplies for making homemade granola, energy bars, and healthy alternatives to chocolate chips out of the bag.

Tomorrow I am also going to force myself to use MyFitness Pal again, where I will faithfully enter said chocolate chips and Riesling from now on.  I also need to find a training plan for the marathon I am signed up for next year.   I have a good six months to get ready, but I feel this wine going straight to my belly and the chocolate chips settling in my hips, making a mockery of my two miles.

My husband will also be home tomorrow!  And before he gets here, I will have hidden the bulk of the laundry, neatly stacked the mail in the office, and changed all the Scentsy warmers in the house.  It won't be clean, but it will smell good.  I'll have one up on him.  After all this time in the woods, he isn't going to be clean or smell good.

For now, I am off to bed to get some much needed rest.  Tomorrow is a new day!


  1. Hey, chocolate chips straight from the bag and wine happen to all of us when we're left alone for too long! Just get back on that bandwagon, chica! All us elves are cheering you on.

    1. Thanks! My shopping trip included a ton of fruits and veggies. I'm going to have a harder time fitting runs in with the schedule of meetings and travel I have for work, but I'll figure it out. :)


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