A Flop

This month is just a flop for me. I have miserably failed at blogging daily, and when I have, I haven't bothered to link up with BlogHer.  My apologies to those of you who check me out and see nothing.

Hopefully June will be better.

And I know it has to be because I have two great books that I will be reviewing, three fantastic running related (or not) products that I get to test out and review, and some great sob stories about owning chickens, etc. in the works.  I'll get better...  Oh - and I have another long run coming up to blog about... and I am excited!  But for now, my keyboard will remain silent.

Thanks for all your patience!


  1. June will be better! I also cling to that hope. (:

    1. Awww. Thank you! Oddly, I am not really stressed about it. The weather is so nice right now, and we have so much going on. Sleep and chores are more important, I guess.

  2. I planned to ease up a little in May and instead temporarily dropped off the edge of the blogging earth completely for weeks. I wish I could blame sleep and chores, but mostly it was laziness and lethargy.


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