The Gift of Photoshop

Well - after several unsuccessful attempts and a much longer rant about the holidays partially completed and abandoned... I have come to the realization that this year may be the year of the "why did they choose that picture?" Christmas card.  I am behind on cards (as usual), and I am trying not to stress out about it.  My kids are feeling the pressure too. 

As I was telling a friend after the Christmas program tonight to beware of my "out-take" Christmas card this year... she (who has four kids under 6) reminded me of Photoshop.

So if my kids' heads are on crooked... you all know why.  I have chopped off the heads from funny, spontaneous, happy photos and stuck them to nicely dressed, stiffly posed, perfectly festive bodies.

Here are some of the gems that I have to choose from...

And that is all I can handle for tonight. 


  1. Ohhh my goodness. Your kids are freakin' adorable! I actually think all of the pictures you posted are great. I would much rather prefer getting an 'out-take' Christmas card to some of the stuffy ones I receive every year :)

  2. I like the last says "Have a MERRY Christmas!" with the emphasis on MERRY ;)

  3. I love all of them all! They are being themselves.

  4. Thank you all! I am having a better attitude about it today. The "story" that the pictures tell is pretty funny. Grady is my dramatic one. Leilee does whatever she wants. And Connor does his very best to be perfect, until he blows up at the end!

  5. Those are hilarious. I love the first one and the last one especially. I would much rather see family photos of people's personalities than the stiff, awkward, "pretty" ones. Plus, they would probably be a much better memory years from now when you can really see how they really were.


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