Your Heart's Desire

The subtitle of Sheri Rose Shepherd's book is 14 Truths that will forever change the way you love and are loved.  I read this book from the perspective of a married woman, and I kind of fell into thinking that it was specifically a book for married women.  It wasn't until I re-read the back cover that I realized she wrote it for women at any stage.

There are 14 sections (obviously...from the subtitle!) and each one begins with a verse from the Bible, a story that fits with the central idea of the section, a "Love Coaching" section that gives steps on how to move forward (complete with more verses), a "Let Us Pray" section that outlines a prayer, and "His Love Letter to You" - which is a letter written from Scriptural reference as God would speak to a woman seeking His will and love.  Finally, there is a "Treasure of Truth" with questions for a small group and an online video answer to another question.

One of my favorite parts about each chapter is the QR code for smartphones.  I couldn't resist testing that option out, and it worked great.  I also liked that Sheri made this book great on its own but also made it transformable for a women's study.  There is a video available and online content ready for further study.

There are so many facets to each chapter, and Sheri is so completely honest and transparent, you can't help but fall totally into the book.  I don't want to ruin any of it by trying to share some of her stories, because I feel like you have to read each part for yourself.  So many times, I caught myself wiping away tears as I identified with the hurt and the healing that Sheri described.  So many times I would laugh and nod as I wiped away tears and smiled at the verse that touched my heart.

It is clear that Sheri put a lot of prayer and thought into this book.  So many times women confuse God's love, romantic love, and infatuation.  Sometimes we get so confused, we can't tell the difference anymore. So many messages from our culture cheapen the beauty and sacredness of love.  When we throw love away so quickly or base our worth on how people love us (and treat us), we cheapen the power and healing of God's love.  God loves us more than we can even fathom.  More than we can even imagine.

This book is definitely worth reading and studying.  And it's not just for us married folk!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the Tyndale Media Center book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.


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